
Electric Vehicle Industry

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Industry Overview:

The market for electric vehicles was estimated to be worth $321.8 billion globally in 2023 and is projected to grow to $810.1 billion by 2030 at a CAGR of 14.1% with tech advancements

Industry Outlook
EV Industry Outlook
The Blowout Growth of the EV Battery industry

The development of electric vehicles and their capacity to compete with traditional automobile manufacturers has been made possible by declining costs, and advancements in battery technologies have led to an increase in performance levels.

Electric Vehicles enter a new era of competition

The industry's competitive environment has been significantly impacted by the reduction in the manufacturing barrier for vehicles; the gasoline car era's market stability is being shaken, and the electric vehicle age is about to take off.

Development of charging infrastructure

Putting money into and growing public charging networks, encouraging the installation of charging stations in homes and workplaces, investigating ultra-fast and wireless charging to improve EV owners' convenience.

Lack of public EV charging station incites range anxiety

The second most frequent excuse given by consumers for not purchasing an EV is inadequate charging infrastructure ,a major element to "range anxiety," the concern that an electric vehicle may run out of battery before finding a charging station

Grid Capacity

Significant increases in the number of new registrations for electric passenger cars would necessitate increased power production and grid balancing, particularly during periods of peak demand as electrification increases

Safety concerns with ADAS

The safety elements of ADAS may not always function as intended; poor lighting, places with weak network signals, and bad weather might create false alerts or cause ADAS to miss important problems

Labor force and EV training

More engineers & technicians with EV-specific expertise are needed as the demand for EVs grows though demographic changes may make it difficult to meet the workforce need, thus effective training will be essential to overcome this obstacle

Trends in EV charging:
Trends in EV charging
Determinants of Price:
Supply of New and Second Hand vehicles

Economies of scale may reduce manufacturing costs as more automakers invest in the production of electric vehicles, making EVs more accessible to consumers at the same time that a robust used car market may offer affordable options to buyers on a tight budget

Government Policy

Government policy changes will continue to have an impact on EV prices, supportive laws and regulations might increase demand, changes to subsidy programs may have reverse effect

Bi-directional Power Technology

This technology can increase the demand for EVs and possibly lower their cost by enabling them to not only consume power but also to feed electricity back into the grid or power device

Time of Use charging and Solar Integration

The idea of time-of-use charging, in which users can refuel their electric vehicles (EVs) during off-peak hours when energy rates are lower, is closely related to bidirectional power

1. Industry Overview

  • 1.1. World EV sales
  • 1.2. Global EV sales to increase by 27% in 2024
  • 1.3. Regional overview
  • 1.4. Key highlights of the industry

2. Industry Market Size

  • 2.1. Global revenue of EV market
  • 2.2. EV market share by product type
  • 2.3. Electric car stocks – worldwide
  • 2.4. Accelerators for growth of EV industry

3. Industry Outlook

  • 3.1. Global Revenue of EV market share
  • 3.2. Electric Vehicle sales on rising
  • 3.3. Share of new cars sold that are electric, 2023
  • 3.4. Cumulative EV market opportunity by region

4. Industry Trends

  • 4.1. Technology trends in the EV industry
  • 4.2. Sustainability trends in the EV industry
  • 4.3. Lithium Ion battery manufacturing capacity
  • 4.4. EV battery demand by region

5. Trends in EV charging

  • 5.1. Public and private installed charging points by power rating
  • 5.2. Number of Electric LDV per public charging point & KW per electric LDV
  • 5.3. Publicly installed light duty vehicle fast chargers by region

6. Trends in EV batteries

  • 6.1. Demand for batteries & critical register growth
  • 6.2. Stabilizing critical mineral prices led by battery pack prices fall
  • 6.3. Prices of selected battery materials and lithium ion batteries
  • 6.4. Regional Lithium ion battery manufacturing capacity by manufacture

7. Opportunities and Challenges

  • 7.1. Opportunities
  • 7.2. Challenges
  • 7.3. Resolving current challenges in the EV industry
  • 7.4. Good movers go green- Annual sales for commercial EVs

8. Risks in the industry

  • 8.1. Risks across the value chain
  • 8.2. Risk mitigation strategies

9. Consumer Insights

  • 9.1. Evolution of EV segments
  • 9.2. Consumers interest in ICE vehicles in some markets
  • 9.3. Demographic profile of consumers
  • 9.4. Leading reasons motivating EV purchase

10. Price Analysis

  • 10.1. Average electric vehicle price
  • 10.2. Electric Vehicle pricing structure
  • 10.3. Factors determining the prices of EV
  • 10.4. Openness to purchasing electric or hybrid vehicles

11. Competitive Benchmarking

12. Company Analysis(1/3)

  • 12.1. Revenue
  • 12.2. Vehicle sales by geographic market
  • 12.3. Dare forward 2030
  • 12.4. Core targets by 2030

13. Company Analysis(2/3)

  • 13.1. New energy vehicle sales by type
  • 13.2. Revenue breakdown by customer locations
  • 13.3. Emerging technologies
  • 13.4. Intelligent advancements

14. Company Analysis(3/3)

  • 14.1. Tesla’s revenue by segment
  • 14.2. Supercharging stations by country
  • 14.3. Vehicles sold by year
  • 14.4. Tesla’s strategic shift

15. Regional Insights- USA

  • 15.1. Unit sales of electric vehicles
  • 15.2. Counties with highest number EV in operation
  • 15.3. Electric Vehicle sales revenue
  • 15.4. Major players in the US market
  • 15.5. Federal EV policy

16. Regional Insights- China

  • 16.1. Annual production of EV by type
  • 16.2. Publicly installed slow and fast charging points
  • 16.3. Revenue
  • 16.4. Major players in Chinese market
  • 16.5. Drivers of china’s booming electric vehicle market

17. Regional Insights- India

  • 17.1. EV sales over the years
  • 17.2. EV sale by category
  • 17.3. Public EV charging stations by states
  • 17.4. Major Players in the market
  • 17.5. India’s EV policy
  • 17.6. Drivers of EV growth in India

18. SWOT Analysis

19. PORTER’S Analysis

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